For use in teaching or as part of Hackathons Sam has developed a range of what she calls Microsites.
Thease sites are hand coded from scratch and are built to serve a particular purpose in the case of the classroom apps where a suitable existing webste could not be found or to highlight programming developments.
Site such as thease usually take a night or two to build and usually ave one very distinct perpose.

Sound Manipulation Web App developed whilst Sam was at University.

Image Manipulation Web App developed whilst Sam was at University.

Guess Who Web App designed to be played by pupils to assist with learning about If statements. By writing bespoke web apps the pupils gain exactly what is reuired for the lesson without the destractions of adverts and additional menu options that often are not required.

This Idea Generation Web App was an overnight build to help inspire pupils to create origional ideas which they would then design and make. Each time the page is refreashed there is a new random input, word and output. This is used to stimulate free through in the classroom.
http:// https://cre8iveapple.github.io/IdeaGeneration/home.html

The Unicorn My Life Web Filter was hand coded as an entry for Majestics Unicorn themed competition at Bull Hacks 2017.
http:// https://cre8iveapple.github.io/Unicorn/UnicornMyLife.html